These points are collected from Adi Parvi from Mahabharata.
She is a true wife, whose heart is devoted to the lord.
She is a true wife, who knoweth none but her lord.
The wife is man’s half. The wife is first of friends.
The wife is the root of religion, profit and desire.
The wife is the root of salvation.
They that have wivies can lead domestic lives.
They that have wives have the means to be cheerful.
They that have wives can achieve good fortune.
Sweet-speeched wives are friends on occasions of joy.
They are fathers on occasions of religios acts.
They are mothers in sickness and woe.
Even in the deep woods to a traveller a wife is his refreshment and solace.
He that hath a wife is trusted by all.
A wife, therefore, is one’s most valuable possesion.
For these reasons, O king, doth marriage exist.
No man, even in anger, should ever do anything that is disagreeable to his wife, seeing that happiness, joy and virtue. everything depeendeth on the wife.