Recently I have been applying for frontend contract positions. Also I am building a lot of cool projects, so thought this is my chance to strengthen my Javascript React Typescript Fundamentals.
Obviously I started reading the documentation straight forward. Then I realized AI is new this time with me. Let me take leverage to learn the absolute best fundamental concepts.
So I started using Claude 3 Haiku. Below is the prompt I used to generate the resources.
I am working on giving a very good interview for a frontend contract position and it requires me to have good broad understanding on JS, React, TS So I need you to help me prepare for it. Also elaborate this with more important and fundamentals to make my understanding stronger. Give links for each.
Check Javascript, Typescript and React here.
JavaScript Fundamentals:
Data Types, Variables, Operators, Control Flow, and Functions:
- Data Types: MDN Web Docs - Data Types and Data Structures
- Variables: MDN Web Docs - var, let, const
- Operators: MDN Web Docs - Expressions and Operators
- Control Flow: MDN Web Docs - Control Flow and Error Handling
- Functions: MDN Web Docs - Functions
Scope, Closures, Prototypes, and this
- Scope: MDN Web Docs - Scope, MDN Web Docs - Closures
- Prototypes: MDN Web Docs - Inheritance and the prototype chain
Keyword: MDN Web Docs - this
Asynchronous Programming, Promises, Async/Await, and Event Handling:
- Asynchronous Programming: MDN Web Docs - Asynchronous JavaScript
- Promises: MDN Web Docs - Promises
- Async/Await: MDN Web Docs - async function, MDN Web Docs - await
- Event Handling: MDN Web Docs - Introduction to events
Advanced JavaScript Features (ES6 and Beyond):
- ES6 (ES2015) and Beyond: ES6 Features, ES6 Compatibility Table
- Arrow Functions: MDN Web Docs - Arrow functions
- Classes: MDN Web Docs - Classes
- Modules: MDN Web Docs - JavaScript modules, ECMAScript modules in depth
- Destructuring: MDN Web Docs - Destructuring assignment
React Proficiency:
React Core Principles (Components, State, Props, Lifecycle):
- Components: React Docs - Components and Props, React Component Lifecycle
- State: React Docs - State and Lifecycle, React Hooks
- Props: React Docs - Components and Props
Functional and Class-based Components:
- Functional Components: React Docs - Functional Components, React Hooks
- Class Components: React Docs - Class Components
React Hooks (useState
, useEffect
, Custom Hooks):
: React Docs - useState HookuseEffect
: React Docs - useEffect Hook- Custom Hooks: React Docs - Custom Hooks
React’s Virtual DOM and Performance:
- Virtual DOM: React Docs - Reconciliation
- Performance: React Docs - Optimizing Performance
Popular React Libraries and Tools:
- React Router: React Router Docs
- Redux: Redux Docs
- React Testing Library: RTL Docs
TypeScript Expertise:
Benefits of TypeScript over JavaScript:
- TypeScript Overview: TypeScript Documentation
- TypeScript vs. JavaScript: TypeScript vs JavaScript
- TypeScript Advantages: TypeScript Advantages
TypeScript Type System (Primitive Types, Interfaces, Classes, Generics):
- Primitive Types: TypeScript Basic Types
- Interfaces: TypeScript Interfaces
- Classes: TypeScript Classes
- Generics: TypeScript Generics
TypeScript Type Inference and Type-related Challenges:
- Type Inference: TypeScript Type Inference
- Third-Party Libraries: TypeScript Declaration Files
Using TypeScript with React:
- Typing React Components: TypeScript and React
- Typing Props and State: Typing React Components
The above response is from Claude 3 haiku along with some human editing.