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Antifragility as concept

2 min read

The antifragile loves chaos, randomness, uncertainty.

The one quote that sticks out from Nassim is:

I’d rather be dumb and antifragile, than being extremely smart and fragile.

Definition: Antifragility (Volatility .et al)

Non Predictive decision making:

Why can’t one wrap up concepts which are preceded by a negation, like we can understand predictive decision making, however why not Non predictive decision making. (Inversion smirks)

One can almost make a guess as to whether a system is antifragile or fragile by just weighing the nonlinear skew of the input is to output ratios or rather how disconnected they are, given the introduction of randomness, chaos, shocks can be fairly said to be Antifragile.

The systems which don’t adhere to the preceding definition are simply said to be fragile.

Black swans?

The author introduces this concept called Black Swan.

This he explains to be massive, large scale, unforeseen events tied up with massive consequences, not prognosticated by an observer, and the observer conveniently called the ”Turkey”, who is both surprised and harmed by such an event.

We are collectively a victim to a newly attributed term called ”Progress” which pumps air in this unpredictable system of a Black Swan. The term “Progress” is addressed to as ”Neomania“.

Robust, Bust-ed:

Considering that mother nature continuously and vigorously distorts the stability of a system, a system which prefers to steer towards being robust. However, the term “robust”, precludes the hint of being “completely robust” and a system of such nature demands a mechanism by which it not only needs but rather insinuates the chaos in itself to replenish itself, pushing far away the idea that it’s not suffering indeed.

So following the trail of thought, one can see that, systems that gain from disorder or chaos should be dominating the world and the ones that are not should eventually perish. (Enter Illusion). We think that the world functions, very exactly because of structured design programmes very analogous to that of “Teaching fishes how to swim”


Is the one who makes us engage and act in policies and actions, all artificial in nature, in which the benefits are small and visible, and the side effects potentially severe and invisible

William still rules outside Ocaam

Complications lead to multiplicative chains of unanticipated effects

Less is more and usually more effective.